July 24th

new video

1 Should I have a cage for my pup?  yes...

2 How do I pay for the balance of the pup.. cash in new notes only or bank transfer please.. 
3 When do I get to pick my pup..?  I will email you with pictures and video  after i get to know  the pups and their personalities .I want to match up the right pup with the right family.
I feel that is my responsiblity as a breeder. :)this has always worked out perfectly.

4 what kind of food do I need..? my babies will be weaned onto cooked chicken rice and vegetables as i am not happy with the ingredients in most commercial puppy food

5.. what should I bring when I collect my puppy?
I advise bringing a dish for water..a bottle of water.. a stuffed toy the size of the puppy, some paper towels, and a regular towel..a plastic bag too.

Small crate for the back seat or its new cage for the back of the car will be a great idea also. 
Your  pup will probably sleep most of the way home. 

Born on june 9th
Our mom is dottie our dad is sir  tweed 
we are 9 gorgeous puppies.
Our coats will all get fluffier as we grow and our noses will go black.
we will be ready to go to our new homes at 8 weeks old all going well

All babies and mom are doing super!

  i will take more when they grow a little bit in a few days.. so far all is well.  pups are very delicate and fragile at this age.... ;) 
we are all very chubby and healthy... mom has lots of milk for all of us.
they are little chubby happy babies. mom has loads of milk and is making a great job of them. soon their eyes will be open... thats when the fun starts :) 
after sleeping on the couch next to her for 4 days i helped dottie whelp her entire litter. shes tired and im tired! all is well so far.. .
more videos soon .. mom needs to be left in private as she is bonding with her litter... the first week is a delicate time for both mom and tiny babies  
dottie keeps the pups clean and fed... she instinctively lies at the edge of her den to keep the pups in the center... she knows she is in danger of crushing them. another night on the couch next to them... need to make sure she doesnt fall asleep on one .. she is eating 3 meals of beef  from the freezer with a bit of veg ... and 2 lambs milk drinks at the moment.. she must eat high protein to produce milk for all of her babies..and to recover from the birth.
 she is the happiest dog... and so proud.. shes an amazing dog... 
these pups show signs of being very intelligent already! look how strong they are.. almost walking....and shiny little coats too...
the nest needs to be kept at 80 degrees as newborn pups cannot generate their own body heat. they need their mom next to them also.... luckily we have underfloor heating which they love!
we are all little fat healthy pups... mom loves us very much.... all we do is eat and sleep.. our noses are starting to go black! we should be able to see and hear at about 11 to 14 days old.... . we are content .. and all growing at the same speed which is great! our human mom looks a bit tired... :)  
the most gentle amazing mother ever..look how chubby and shiny we are....and a black nose,,! 
our human mom will have great fun when we start to eat chicken and can see and run ! ;)
nicely growing.. and feeding well.. i have increased moms feeds to 4 a day.. for milk production.. not long until their eyes are open!
we are still sleeping most of the time... plenty of years left to be active!..our eyes are still closed.. but will start to open very soon..our mom is so good with us...  ... 
we are moving around more and making more noise! our eyes still closed but showing signs of opening very soon.. we hope to be tasting chicken soon :)
our eyes are starting to open... thats how this little one can see  mom and has climbed out to get to her... 
look how big fat and juicy we are! we still sleep most of the time .. mom has lots of love and lots of milk to give us... we have tasted chicken and think it is nice.. but we still prefer moms milk... soon our teeth will be in and we will want to chew more!
our EYES ARE OPEN!! :)
look how clever we are! learning to eat like grownups.. we like our puppy food and keep our feet clean since  we cant really walk into the dish very easily.. but still love moms milk best... and she wants to be the one to feed us... our human mom is looking tired... we like the sound of her voice and always perk up and come over to meet her when she is in with us... we are hearing all sorts of sounds.. vacuum cleaner. tv and a noisy parrot that sounds like us.. we are all doing really well... growing like mushrooms... :) our human mom is always watching us to see what kind of people we are turning into... 
we are all different! and we think we are  wonderful'.....
we are really keeping both our moms busy 
mom is eating every 4 hours .. i have never seen her so hungry! our human mom says we need to eat more chicken so that we can get used to not nursing as much.. soon we will be big doggies and not need mom so we will have to start getting used to the idea... mom is still very bossy and doesnt like toys in our den.. she tries to bury them and makes a real mess..we like climbing on our box... its good for our coordination...
we eat 3 good meals a day now... but still loved our moms milk best...our human likes to pet us and talk to us... we like her voice.... we still sleep a lot as it helps us to grow and develop... we are now play fighting....and growling... and have little black noses and our coats are getting longer.. we think we are amazing!
.look at us now.. mom lets us have toys and we love them! we are all smart happy healthy babies... and we love to eat... mom is still feeding us... but we  get lots of good nutrition from our puppy food... we clean our bowls... so are not fussy eaters...
we are looking more like little dogs now...we still love to sleep but are still alert even when we look asleep just in case our human mom is arriving with food... 
we have big appetites now...so mom is very busy.. the human one.. as what goes in must come out... we go mostly on our papers because for almost 5 weeks old we are already very smart... and try to keep our play area clean... our mom still feeds us but we have sharp teeth and claws so i think she is feeling it... she has a  section where we cant reach her... i guess its because she needs to get away from us sometimes.. that is only fair!
we are all happy little bundles of fur : ) 
well we are all growing well... and react to our human all the time... we still love mom for her comforting milk but i think we now love our human more... we are always so excited when she talks to us and arrives at our pen.. we like to start play fighting just when she settles in the evening to watch tv...she really turns up the tv because we are loud! we hear gun shots.. people yelling... music.. all kinds of strange things.. but we don' t bother at all .. we can see her.. and she is only 2 feet from us... we know everything is great....furry mom is just sleeping so really doesn't care about the noisy tv at all. we think soon we will go to a bigger space with more fresh air.... and maybe feel grass under our paws...only if the weather is good.. 
we are active and keep our human on her toes all day... but she still loves to pet  and talk to us.. throughout the day.. and until 11 at night.. then she disappears until breakfast at around 7 am to start all over...
we are a little unsure of the tiles at first but now used to them! on this lovely rainy day... we are glad we are inside....mom mopped, and bleached the floor so we didnt get any doggy bugs that may have come in on footwear.. we can never be too careful! but look at us... we love to play.. we respond very well to our human... and are really people orientated... mom shouldnt have teased us with an empty dish but it was to show how good we respaond to things now.... mom cant really do any single training with us as we are just too many!! 
we also ran straight back to our pen as we are so smart..we cant wait to go to our new families....
i made this video with cooper.. today. 
all the pups in my litter are very smart and learn quickly. this is the first time he has been asked to do anything and look how fast he picks it up. no treats until they are on their place... this is the beginning of them understanding that you are asking something of them. i hope that this helps anyone who is wondering where to start with training.. and show how being calm... and keeping the sessions short will benefit..
.they have all been chipped and didn't feel it.. so no bad experiences .. perfect... as at this age we only want positive things...  after all.. 
6 weeks old is very young.....  but a great time for learning....